Romantic gift box

There is much to do over the next few weeks, some of which involves treasure hunting, looking for the perfect gift for our loved ones that bears our signature on it.

Joy FlakesWhat are you considering to give to that special someone? A piece of handmade jewelry or ceramics, a luscious painting or original photography, or a handmade scarf or hat?

As a resident artist at 311 Gallery in Raleigh, NC, I am having fun making art for our festive fantabulous Holiday Show coming up on First Friday, December 4th celebrating all of the resident artists’ artwork. With the talent of 35 artists, this show will dazzle you with a huge variety of original art for holiday purchasing.

Susan Miller in my purple hatOr maybe a beautiful hat from Katherine Carey Millinary?  (I love my Classic Relaxed Fedora in Lux Felt for this winter!)

Since I love to make art, I will be giving something handmade to special people in my life.

Even if you do not consider yourself an artist, you may want to consider giving handmade originals. Original works by artisans are heirloom gifts that actually do bear a signature from someone who loves expressing their creative talents in unique and beautiful ways.  This could be one of the most memorable gifts to last a lifetime…a great gift… for those you truly care about this holiday season.

But this is not the Greatest Gift.  There is something more…

In all of the hustle and bustle of the season, do not forget to give yourself the Greatest Gift.  Yes, you, Dear One!  This is not selfish at all.  In fact, before heading out on your gift hunt for others, take time to reflect on what you need…what you really desire, what you long for.

Ask yourself:  What is the Greatest Gift you would give yourself this season?  What is something that would be remarkable that you want more than anything else? If you could have no boundaries, what would that gift be?  You may be surprised at your answer!

I shared these questions with two of my artist friends who share a studio right next to mine at 311 Gallery in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Kim Balentine and Bekah Haslett are talented, fun and creative women who paint absolutely stunning canvases.  They are some of those original art-makers I was referring to earlier!

These ladies loved answering these questions from the depth of their souls. Kim said the Greatest Gift she could think of was her faith out of which flows giving and receiving unconditional love.  Bekah said she would love to simplify her life materially which would free up time for others.

Responding to these questions most certainly got them thinking about their intentions for the holiday season! Their desires resonated deep within me inspiring me to reflect on ways I can be a light to others, living out my faith  by showing unconditional love, as well as making my life less complicated, staying rooted in simplicity during this holiday season (and beyond!)

Christmas Ornament

So now, it is your turn. There is nothing holding you back, lovely, from your very own treasure.  Go ahead now….Dream.  What is your Greatest Gift to yourself going to be this holiday? And after you answer this for yourself, ask someone else.