Kaizen CupDream Big!

Often I find myself making Extra Large Goals, Venti-sized.  Being an eternal optimist, right-brained and a big vision person; ideas, dreams and goals come in large sizes. We humans like to dream big…and should! Because of our big dreams we have walked on the moon and created the internet, only to name a few! These ideas started big, but  accomplishing them took many small steps, even minute ones.

Keep it Simple

One Extra Large Goal I want to accomplish is increased stamina and strength for biking.  On my first jaunt around the neighborhood, I thought, “This will be a cinch!” not taking into account the hills and inclines. Eternal optimist!  Picture this: a “mature” woman, who has not ridden a bike in twelve years, huffing and puffing up the hill after blasting down the one before that.  I hardly got home fast enough before almost passing out! My dream of riding my bike could have crashed if I did not realize the importance of  Small Steps, or “Kaizen.”

“Kaizen” is Japanese for “good change.” Achieving goals the Kaizen way assumes that any improvement, large or small, done once or often is good, leading to change. That reframes the whole process of goal-making!

Foot Print in the SandAsk Small Questions

Our brain loves to ask small questions.  Small questions like,

  • “How can I make this easier?”
  • “What would be the smallest step I can take?”
  • “How can I make this more fun?”

Focusing on small questions will likely to make the changes needed to attain that Extra Large Goal sooner than later. Why is that?  When a step is too big, it is easier to fail. This can lead to defeat, self-sabotage, procrastination and fear when our dreams seem out of reach.

It’s All About Perspective

Return to my Extra Large Goal of biking. Seems big to me anyway!  Kaizen helped me ask the small question, “How can I make this easier?” The next time I rode my bike, I took a different route with less inclines, but enough to provide the strengthening I needed to eventually go up that big hill!  And you know what?  I rode four times as long, came back smiling, feeling exhilarated instead of dizzy!

How about you? Is there an Extra Large Goal, Venti-size dream you want to accomplish?

Try it the Kaisen way…one small step at a time.

Download this Free Playsheet to practice Kaizen!