Welcome to the Lighted Path™ Coaching
Lighting Your Path to Your Life Vision!
Ready for the Adventure of Your Life Journey?
We are all designed by our Creator for a Destiny that is unique, allowing expression of our Gifts, Passions and Heart; making an impact in the world and generations to come.
We are making our mark every day as we live, making a difference in the world around us.
Nature exemplifies this delicate life balance. Our Creator has made each animal, plant and tree to make an impact environmentally and on each other. Simple as it seems, we too have a Life Balance that we need to find that helps us thrive: Mind, Body and Spirit.
How do you find the best path for your life
With proven, practical and creative strategies and tools in your backpack…
- you can remove obstacles (perfectionism and procrastination)
- break up the jagged rocks (fear, overwhelm and paralysis)
- navigate the nasty potholes (self-sabotage and the shouting inner critic)
These life distractions and destructive behaviors get in the way of your freedom of movement toward the life intentions that you are so uniquely created to pursue. We often do not access Heart Wisdom or Intuition.
Lighted Path™ Coaching offers strategies that meet your particular needs, whether you are…
- a creative entrepreneur
- a person looking for more clarity of life vision
- or someone wanting to explore their creativity and creative dreams

Take a look at the variety of coaching services and creativity workshops and retreats. Lighted Path™ Coaching always has something fun, inspiring and creative to help you explore your life path.
- Right Brain Business Plan® Workshop for creative entrepreneurs
- Coaching Nurture Huddles for creative entrepreneurs
- Creativity Workshops such as the popular Lighted Path™ Intuitive Painting Workshop for exploration of Intuition and Creativity
- Creativity packages that include private studio time with Susan, monthly workshops, and open studio time.
- Creativity and Life Coaching Packages to help you catch the vision for your life and creative dreams.
- Kaizen-Muse™ Creativity Coaching Group
Don’t wait another minute.
Get your journey toward your life vision under way with Lighted Path™ Coaching!
The Lighted Path of Life awaits!!
Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel the most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, “This is the real me,” and when you have found that attitude, follow it. ~William James