Dr. Miller is offering Tele-Health counseling, coaching and spiritual direction sessions. You can contact her at 919-848-2100 or susanmillerlpc@gmail.com

Follow Your Core Values for Successful Business Planning

Have you ever felt this gut feeling that something is not right in your work life? A feeling of not wanting to work on that project or activity, or with that person or in that environment? That is your intuition telling you that what you value is not being honored. If you do not [...]

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Opening the Gift of Nature

God speaks to me profoundly through Nature. Plain and simple. Some folks say that you can only know Divine guidance through the Bible, listening to a sermon or inspirational teaching, going to church or temple services, praying a certain way or time of day, doing yoga or meditation regularly, or following spiritual rituals in a [...]

Becoming a Wise Woman of Action

There is a deep knowing in our Feminine Soul which guides us in our life journey. This Wise Woman of our Feminine Soul carries us through, walks beside us and shows us direction, primal and instinctual, through our creative intuition. Our Feminine Soul is there all the way through, learning as a child, maiden, mother [...]

The Importance of the Story of Our Feminine Soul

Something has been stirring in my heart lately as I journey into the first couple of months of 2017.  I am noticing the importance of Story…our Stories…specifically for women, our Stories of the Feminine Soul. With the news of the upcoming June birth of my grand-daughter, Emma Catherine, I have been shifting into what being [...]

By |2017-02-10T18:21:56-05:00February 10th, 2017|Art Journaling, encouragement, Women's Issues|0 Comments

The Kaizen Way: Small Steps to Extra Large Goals (Plus FREE Playsheet)

Dream Big! Often I find myself making Extra Large Goals, Venti-sized.  Being an eternal optimist, right-brained and a big vision person; ideas, dreams and goals come in large sizes. We humans like to dream big…and should! Because of our big dreams we have walked on the moon and created the internet, only to name a [...]

By |2016-12-29T18:32:38-05:00February 10th, 2016|Coaching, Creativity|0 Comments

Are You Thriving or Just Surviving?

  While loading the dishes this morning I was noticing the beauty of the tall oak trees in my backyard and listening to the radio.  An awesome song by Casting Crowns “Thrive” came on at the same time I contemplated the depth and strength of the root system that these huge oaks must have below [...]

By |2016-12-29T18:32:39-05:00October 13th, 2015|encouragement|0 Comments

Mud-Walking: Navigating the Path through Transition

There is an art of how to walk in mud.  One evening I was running an errand and the only place I could park close to my destination was right smack in the muddy parking lot!  I had to think about how to park so that when I stepped out I would be in the [...]

By |2023-01-06T13:58:05-05:00February 19th, 2015|Attitude, Coaching, Women's Issues|0 Comments

Living in the Power of Intention in 2015

My amazing business coach, Jennifer Lee, author of two books about entrepreneurship and the Right Brain Business Plan®, gave me a wonderful “doodle print” by Aimee Dolich that says: “The time is here for me to create my own way.  Put my heart in my art and fill it with spirit. Retreat to my spot.  Shut out the [...]

By |2023-01-06T13:58:56-05:00December 23rd, 2014|Attitude, Coaching, seasonal|0 Comments
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