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Photo property of Susan Miller.

January 17 & 18, Friday & Saturday 10 – 5:00pm

Intuitive Soul Painting teaches you to:

  • Listen Deep
  • Follow Your Heart
  • Trust the Brush
  • Create with Joy & Passion

You know that little nudge that tells you this is the way to go? How in tune are you to this inner wisdom?

Whether you have ever painted before or if you are a seasoned artist, this workshop will allow you to discover how listening to your intuition can move you into an authentic, joy-filled creative practice and life!

"Heart of Earth." Painting and Photo property of Susan Miller.

“Heart of Earth.” Painting and Photo property of Susan Miller.

Journey  within to a playful place, a place deep inside where you have a sense of knowing who you are without the distractions of that inner critic. This is your intuition, your heart, the seat of your soul. You will recognize yourself here. By embracing your heart as your guide, you can open up to Possibility, Expectation, Mystery and Creative Spirit.

Allowing your heart to gently guide your creative process, you will develop paintings from a series of layers and simple techniques. You will learn to let go of any preconceived results, being in the moment fully, trusting your heart to show you the way to go.

Not only will you have fun creating glowing paintings in this workshop, you will also receive the gifts of Freedom, Courage, and Whole-heartedness from listening to your inner voice. This workshop is not about talent, skill or rules. In fact, be prepared to jump out of the box!

In this workshop, Susan will guide your experience through teaching some basic techniques of painting intuitively, using stamping, fingers, brushes, sponges , and in vibrant colors. You will also learn how to listen to your heart more closely and fully as you create two large acrylic paintings!

The Intuitive Soul Painting workshop gives you an understanding of what the creative process is all about on a deeper level and you will go home with the skills needed to develop an intuitive creative practice that includes reflection, inspiration, movement, color, and joy!

Fee: $225 for Two Day workshop (SIGN UP BEFORE JANUARY 10th AND RECEIVE $30.00 DISCOUNT/@ $195!!)

What’s included in your fee?

  • An abundance of supplies, but you will need to purchase some supplies. Supplies can be as little as $50 since some are included in your fee. Upon registering for the workshop, you will receive instructions for simple pre-work and a supply list.
  • Two 6 hour consecutive workshop days.
  • Light refreshments during the day.  You will need to bring your lunch.  You will have a one hour lunch break and will be near food locations if you do not bring a lunch.
  • Once a week for four weeks, you will be able to schedule a block of painting time at the Lighted Path® Art Studio during office hours, should you desire.

An opportunity to come to following Intuitive Soul Painting Intensives for just $55 per day that includes 3hours of workshop time and an afternoon of studio time.  You do not need to do these Intensives if you take the two day workshop.  These workshops will give you MORE about the Intuitive Soul Painting process and are an avenue to connect with others who are also experiencing the process. Learn more….
Access to join a private Facebook Page for our Lighted Path® Intuitive Soul Painting community.

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