Dr. Miller is offering Tele-Health counseling, coaching and spiritual direction sessions. You can contact her at 919-848-2100 or susanmillerlpc@gmail.com
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There are three wonderful ways to experience this workshop, depending on whether you want a small taste of the Intuitive Soul Painting process or want a deeper experience. Just to let you know, this is addictive…so you will probably want to embrace all three of these workshop experiences.  Breaking it down for you!

  • Three hour studio sessions, twice a month Intuitive Soul Painting Immersions. These are studio groups where you will be painting on canvases and getting a sweet bite of the Intuitive Soul Painting process. You will discover your childlike magical wisdom and playfulness! These are designed for you to come to one session or as many as you would like. All supplies provided. Fee: $48, or grab a friend and come two for $90. Purchase 4 consecutive immersions (2 mos) for $180.
  • Intuitive Soul Painting Immersion Workshop: Two six hour consecutive days painting two large canvases as you go deeper into the Intuitive Soul Painting process.  An abundance of supplies for your workshop choices are included in your fee. Upon registering, you will receive instructions for simple pre-work and a supply list. These workshops are usually on a weekend, Friday and Saturday. An abundance of supplies for your workshop choices are included in your fee. Upon registering, you will receive instructions for simple pre-work and a supply list. Fee: $180
  • And if you want even more!!!  Join me in my collaborative Intuitive Soul Art & Yoga Immersion Retreat!


*Click Here* To Learn More About Intuitive Soul Painting!

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