Mind Body Life & Spirit:
Emotional Eating Recovery Group
Mind Body Life & Spirit: Emotional Eating Recovery Group
Women Seeking Freedom from Emotional Eating, Weight & Body Image Concerns
Group Dates TBA
Join this 12 week journey and begin to say good-bye to old patterns of emotional eating, binge-eating, yo-yo dieting, scale watching, eating disordered behaviors, negative frustrating weight and body image concerns.
Sometimes we get stuck in patterns of perfectionism, fear, self-defeat, shame and discouragement that prevent us from living the life we desire, full of joy, energy, optimism and freedom! In the Emotional Eating Recovery Group you will learn how to let go of using food/weight as a way of dealing with emotions and measuring your value or success. By discovering what lies underneath the eating, body and weight concerns, you will begin to make the shifts you need to uproot discouragement, disappointment and self-doubt.
This 12 week group will include the principles of ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) which helps one become unhooked with internal negative stories that fuel disordered eating behaviors and instead move toward living a meaningful and purpose-filled life. We will also utilize Mindfulness meditation, DBT and CBT, as well as expressive arts practices to bring you into alignment with the present moment and live a more abundant life in more freedom. The group session will start out with a 30 minute meal support time together. Our time in this group will be focused on supporting one another on the emotional eating/eating disorder recovery journey.

This small group offers supportive interaction in a confidential and safe environment and is appropriate for women who experience:
- Emotional eating, Binge-eating
- In Eating Disorder recovery
- Cycles of yo-yo dieting
- Weight and Body Image woes
- Stress eating and other disordered eating patterns
The Details:
- Fee: $660 Cash flow friendly payment option: Two payments of $335 each
- This program is provided by Dr Miller through Miller Counseling services, PC.
- Your health insurance may reimburse you for this program. Miller Counseling Services is an out-of-network provider. We will be glad to file services through your insurance as a courtesy.