The Right-Brain Business Plan® – Online Mastermind Program

12 Week Online Program

Mastermind Program
Date: TBA

Facilitated by Susan Miller, PhD, LCMHC, NCC

Licensed Right Brain Business Plan® Facilitator

Certified Creativity Coach

Expressive Arts Therapist

Facilitated by Susan Miller, PhD, LCMHC, NCC

Licensed Right Brain Business Plan® Facilitator

Example of “My Right-Bran Business Plan” Accordion Book

Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur…Does the thought of writing a business plan make you cringe? But you know you need a road map for your success? Your creativity can lead the way!

Whether you’re a budding business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur…

You know how important it is to have clear goals and an action plan to achieve them. But traditional, left-brain tactics leave you overwhelmed, uninspired, and just plain stuck.

What if business planning could be fun, colorful, AND effective? I’ll share with you my empowering, intuitive, and accessible entrepreneur approach based on my best-selling book that has helped tens of thousands of creatives like you launch and grow their business.

Join us for the Right-Brain Business Plan® Online  Mastermind Program. You’ll roll-up your sleeves and craft a visual plan that lets your head know where your business is going AND inspires your heart to sing with joy.

Plus, since it’s a home study program, you get to start whenever you want and you get to do it all on your own time!

Finally get that business plan done AND set the stage for your best year yet as a creative entrepreneur! Won’t you join us?

S Miller Signature


  • You don’t have a business plan and know you need one, but doing dirty dishes, dealing with loads of laundry, or even getting a head start on next year’s taxes all sound way more appealing (ugh!)
  • You’ve tried to do a business plan the “traditional way” and you got stuck, overwhelmed, and demotivated
  • You already have a business plan, but you need to breathe new life into it
  • You can’t stand spreadsheets
  • Numbers numb you out
  • AND you’d be a heck of a lot happier planning your business in the same intuitive, authentic, and expressive way that you live your creative life (yes, indeed, it can be that fun and fulfilling!)

You get the following (and much, much more!) from this intensive program:

  • Detailed, do-able assignments… that deal with all the parts of a business plan, from start to finish like a full-fledged entrepreneur
  • Intuitive exercises and inspiring materials… that tap into your natural creative genius, transforming drudgery into joy
  • Guidance and insight… to help you finally complete your plan

One of the best ways to work with me!

I’m purposely keeping this an intimate sized-group so that I can provide you with lots of personalized, hands-on support throughout the program. With 6 coaching calls, 3 catalyst chats (working side by side as a group), a bonus 2 hr group planning mastermind and a one to one coaching session with me, you’ll have plenty of live touch-points with me for real-time guidance. I’ll also be actively facilitating a private Facebook group so feedback and accountability from me are just a mouse-click away.
This online group is the perfect affordable alternative to my higher-priced individual coaching, so don’t miss out! Plus, you’ll get your own built-in circle of support to boot.

Upon completion, you will have experienced how to:

  • Clarify your business values and vision
  • Paint a picture of your business landscape
  • Determine what products and services you’ll offer
  • Understand your competition, and what makes you stand out from the crowd
  • Identify who your perfect customers are and how you’ll reach them
  • Set and manage money goals that honor your values and align with your life
  • Select your circle of support to help you get the work done
  • Map out concrete action steps to bring your Right-Brain Business Plan to life

RBBP Course Outline:

  • Module 1:Intro and Crafting Your Business Vision and Values
  • Module 2:Painting the Picture of Your Business Landscape
  • Module 3:Getting the Word Out with Marketing: Find and connect with your perfect customers
  • Module 4:Managing the Moola – Color by Numbers: Develop a financial plan with fun and flair
  • Module 5:Corralling Your Creative Cohorts: You don’t have to go it alone
  • Module 6:Action Planning: Make your plan real with goals, strategies, and action steps
  • Module 7:Weaving It All Together: Put the finishing touches on your Right-Brain Business Plan (including tailoring your plan to suit the suits, if you need a more traditional format for a loan or investment)
  • Module 8:Celebration and Completion: Set the stage for continued success and sparkles

Along with this wonderful e-course, you will have a small coaching group that meets twice a month live!

This proven right brain entrepreneur process has helped creatives just like you clarify their goals and make their dreams real.

Pay In Full

  • Special Price with 1-1 Coaching Bonus

2 Payments of $205

  • 1st payment Deposit; 2nd payment due 4 weeks after the program starts

3 Payments of $138

  • 1st payment Deposit, 2nd payment due 3 weeks after the program starts, 3rd payment 3 weeks after that.
“Susan Miller is a warm, personable, supportive coach and an all around great human being! She was my Cohort Circle buddy and her Southern accent made me feel I had found a long lost childhood friend! As we have ‘grown up’ over the past few years in the RBBP community she has been a source of wisdom for me and has greatly assisted me in moving towards my artistic and business goals.

And she was a great Shining Star Huddle leader – masterful at keeping us on track, and encouraging each of us to become more of who we are and how to tap into that inner wisdom.

If you are a tad fearful or lack a bit of confidence, Susan’s guidance and support will move you easily into arenas where you will accomplish your goals and manifest your dreams.”

Virginia Simpson-Magruder, Kentucky Girl Designs

“If you don’t have a plan for your business, you need one. If you want to have fun learning how to develop a plan, take this course. This course takes the ‘scare factor’ out of creating a business plan!”

Tracey Asai, Tracey Asai Designs
“I had the fortunate opportunity to work closely with Susan Miller as a member of the Shining Star Group, part of the Right Brain Business Plan Mentorship Cohort Circle.”

Her gentle understanding and empathy made even the most vulnerable feel safe in sharing our toughest challenges and obstacles. By holding space for everyone she ensured that we had equal parts being heard as well as supporting our colleagues. She listened and was able to identify potential self-imposed barriers to success and with her easy and grounded way, was able to guide us to defining our next actionable steps as well as holding us accountable. Susan has a wonderful way of welcoming newcomers in with grace and ease and meets everyone exactly where they are.”

Lindy Stockton, The Collage Cafe

What you get:

    • Eight modules of creative and practical assignments including inspiring, informational, and instructional videos plus juicy reading material. ($147 value)
    • Exercises and templates that cover the financials, marketing plan, competitive analysis, goal setting, action plans, and building a team (all in a right-brain, creative way, of course!) and fun illustrated play sheets.
    • Access to a private Facebook group to connect with and learn from me your licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® course facilitator and fellow participants. You’ll have two to three accountability prompts in the group to keep you moving forward. ($450 Value)
    • Three 60-min. live group coaching sessions via Zoom (face-time, Brady Bunch style)led by me, your course facilitator, to receive more personalized coaching, brainstorm live with your creative cohorts, get unstuck, and celebrate your progress. Recordings will be provided. Long distances charges may apply. ($225 value)
    • Three  75-min Catalyst Chats with me, your course facilitator, to give you accountability and support to take action and complete the exercises. ($225 value)
    • Two hour Mastermind Planning Day Celebration, Support and Action Planning for the Winter into Spring. ($150 value)
    • BONUS GIFT:1-1 45-min Coaching Session with me, Susan You will need to schedule this call any time during the Fall and up until December 15. ($175 value)

    The total value for the Right Brain Business Plan® Online Mastermind Program is $1375

You will need a copy of the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative Visual Map for Success to follow along with the program. You can order it on Amazon, or from Jennifer (PLEASE NOTEAfter you register for the e-Course, you will receive a special code for getting 20% off the book and/or the kit when you order from Jennifer). You are more than welcome to purchase a DIY Right Brain Business Plan Kit which includes an accordion book that you can make the home of your business planning vision and details.

About the course facilitator – Susan Miller, LCMHC, PhD, NCC

I am an Artist, Expressive Arts Therapist, Certified Creativity Coach and Certified Kaizen-Muse™ Creativity Coach, Right Brain Business Plan® Facilitator, Entrepreneur Coach, Life Coach & Artist.

My passion is helping light the path of your life journey through coaching and facilitating luscious artful retreats and workshops that help light the path of your life journey.

My heart is to help creative and heart-centered entrepreneurs find their inner voice and follow their true desires for their life and business. This journey needs to be filled with passion and joy, intuitive decision-making and practical, ease-filled strategies to get where you want to go. As a creative entrepreneur myself, I have found that the Right Brain Business Plan® online program has an awesome blend of the practical and the intuitive. And it really works! I have been a RBBPer since 2012, and as an associate coach with Jennifer Lee’s programs since 2014. I have coached and supported many creative entrepreneurs 1-1 and in groups, through Right Brain Business Plan® online programs, e-courses, and live workshops. The RBBP process is something that you will want to use over and over again, as you go through planning your business over the years.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is to be a part of a group of like-minded creative entrepreneurs, study and participate in a tried and true business planning system that helps you access your inner intuition and actually get your business started, revamped, or transitioned. There is nothing like it, and it is so easy and fun to implement. It is an organic creative approach to mapping out your business goals that creates inspired action-planning. I have experienced this planning strategy time and time again as I have gone through transitions in my work and pursuing a more creative, sustainable and ease-filled business.

You can do this…and you will actually get excited and enjoy developing, changing, revamping or “whatevering” you want to pursue in your business. Even if you do not have a business but have a strong feeling inside about something you want to develop, you will find Right Brain Business Plan® Online Facilitated Home Study one of the greatest investments you will make.

I cannot wait to help you get started!

S Miller Signature

Frequently Asked Questions

You will have a special link to access to the Right Brain Business Plan® Home-Study materials, plus at the beginning of each week, you’ll receive an e-mail with links to that week’s assignments. Each week will include a video, juicy reading materials, and creative exercises, plus some weeks will also have an MP3 audio file and fun playsheets (who needs worksheets when you’re doing right-brain business planning?!). You will also receive a mid-week and end-of-week check-in with additional exercises and suggested challenges. We encourage you to post your homework to our private Facebook group by the end of each week – not only will it help hold you accountable, but you’ll also get to be supported and inspired by your fellow creative cohorts.

There is no “scheduled” time for “class” except for the 6 group calls (which will be recorded in case you can’t make it live), the 2 catalyst chats and the 2hr Mastermind. You can do all of the assignments on your own time. Anticipate spending at least 3-5 hours (or more, if you’re super gung-ho!) each week on the course.

You can schedule your 1-1 45 minute Bonus coaching session with me anytime until TBA. You can contact us at to schedule this session.

The private Facebook group will close a few weeks after the course concludes to give you some extra time to catch up on conversations and posts. Even after the course ends, you’ll still have unlimited access to stream the videos and download the reading materials.

The course is meant to jumpstart your planning process and to help provide a structure to guide you along. If you’re not able to complete all of the assignments each week, don’t stress out – you can do them all on your own time.

There will also be follow on opportunities to help you continue with your planning and progress, should you like a higher level of support at any time as you go along your business planning journey with my community offerings.

You will need a copy of the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative Visual Map for Success to follow along with the program. If you don’t have a copy yet, you can order it on Amazon, or you can order it from Jennifer Lee (PLEASE NOTE: After you register for the e-Course, you will receive a special discount code for getting 20% off of the book and/or the kit when you order from Jennifer)

Technical requirements: A computer, reliable Internet access, Facebook membership, and the ability to watch online videos, listen to MP3 files, and view PDFs. In addition, you’ll need a phone (land-line preferably) to call into the group conference calls and long distances charges may apply. We also recommend you print out the illustrated playsheets in color for maximum creative inspiration, so a color printer is ideal. You may want to have a digital camera or scanner to document and post your visual plan, but that’s optional.

Supplies: We’ll be doing various creative activities, so here are the basic types of supplies we’ll use – paper, pens/markers, magazines, scissors, glue, Post-it Notes, but you’re encouraged to use whatever materials that inspire you!

An open mind and willingness to have fun!

We know many creative entrepreneurs have a plethora of passions. If you have multiple businesses or business ideas, we suggest focusing on one business as you go through the exercises. It will keep things more simple and manageable for you. Once you go through the process for one business, it’ll be easier to repeat it again for the next. When you’re done you can look at both plans to see the big picture of your creative enterprise.

The Right-Brain Business Plan® process can be used to flesh out a specific new product or service you’re wanting to offer or to explore how you will take your business to the next level. You will learn tools and techniques for approaching your business from a fresh perspective. If you’ve been feeling bored by your business or you’ve lost connection with your authentic expression, this course will give you the creative spark you need.

As your licensed Right-Brain Business Plan facilitator I will be supporting you in the course through the coaching calls, Facebook facilitation, and Catalyst Chats. RBBP creator and author Jennifer Lee will be delivering the recorded video teaching segments in the course modules.

I’ll be your friendly companion and ally who will guide you through the creative business planning process and I’ll offer lots of passionate inspiration along with practical information. I’m there to answer your questions as best as I can, point you to additional resources, challenge you to stretch yourself, and facilitate group sharing and learning.

Show up: Engage yourself fully in the process. Read the materials, watch the videos, do your assignments and post them on the forum, participate actively in the online community. The more you put in to this experience, the more you’ll get out of it.

Be curious: Ask questions and be willing to try new things, learn, and venture outside your comfort zone.

Offer feedback: If something isn’t quite working for you in the course, please let me know, offer a suggestion, and/or make a specific request and I will do my best to address your concern. This is a two-way street and we’re co-creating our experience together, so I invite your insights.

This online RBBP group is a facilitator-led program, whereas the book and kit are DIY. The regular RBBP Home Study version is self-paced with no leader responding to questions (as part of this program you will get access to the RBBP Home Study but I will be pointing you to the particular exercises each week and will be holding your hand all the way through). During the facilitated e-Course you can ask your burning questions and get online coaching from me, your leader. Plus, you can connect with a community of other creative entrepreneurs who are going through the same process you are. Valuable learning, sharing, and brainstorming happens between participants and you might even find new business buddies. It’s a lot easier to get things done when you have the structure, accountability, and camaraderie of a facilitated group.

The course registration fee is non refundable. And all payments are due in full.

Before you sign-up, please make sure you’re fully committed to participating in and completing the course. If you need more information to help you make a solid decision, contact us with your questions.

You can send an email to and someone from the team will be in touch. Thanks!


Right-Brain Business Plan® is a registered trademark of Jenn & Brian Creative, Inc. (DBA: Artizen Coaching®). Used with permission.