Dr. Miller is offering Tele-Health counseling, coaching and spiritual direction sessions. You can contact her at 919-848-2100 or susanmillerlpc@gmail.com

The Right-Brain Business Plan® – Online Program Event

Online Home Study Group Your Sofa!

The Right-Brain Business Plan® – Online Program 9 week online program starts April 8 – June 9, 2018 Facilitated by Susan Miller, PhD, LPCS, NCC Licensed Right Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur…Does the thought of writing a business plan make you cringe? But you know you need a road map for [...]

The Right-Brain Business Plan® – Online Program Event

Online Home Study Group Your Sofa!

The Right-Brain Business Plan® – Online Program 9 week online program starts April 8 – June 9, 2018 Facilitated by Susan Miller, PhD, LPCS, NCC Licensed Right Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur…Does the thought of writing a business plan make you cringe? But you know you need a road map for [...]

Intuitive Soul Art & Yoga Retreat 2018

Sanctuary in the Pines 34 Lake Cove Rd, Flat Rock, NC

Yoga will open up your mind/body/spirit to the possibilities; The brush will take you the rest of the way.  No experience in art or yoga necessary! Where: Sanctuary in the Pines, located 30 minutes outside of Asheville (Blue Ridge Mountains) When: June 14-17 2018   During our 3 days together you will connect with your intuition [...]

Wise Woman: An Artful Journey Into the Feminine Soul

FREE Online Journey

How Will This 6 week e-course work? The course is curated into 6 luscious weeks of journaling lessons, inspiration, guided meditation, mixed media art instruction and guidance. Each week will be a lesson themed to the Soul Seasons of our life as a woman, an art project with HD video tutorial(s), guided meditation and journaling [...]

Wise Woman: An Artful Journey Into the Feminine Soul

FREE Online Journey

How Will This 6 week e-course work? The course is curated into 6 luscious weeks of journaling lessons, inspiration, guided meditation, mixed media art instruction and guidance. Each week will be a lesson themed to the Soul Seasons of our life as a woman, an art project with HD video tutorial(s), guided meditation and journaling [...]

Intuitive Soul Painting Workshop July 14th 2018

Lighted Path™ Coaching & Art Studio 727 West Hargett Street Suite 111, Raleigh, NC, United States

Intuitive Soul Painting Workshop: One night and full day of mixed media painting on canvas/panels as you go deep into the Intuitive Soul Painting process.  An abundance of supplies for your workshop are included in your fee. You will be painting on a larger canvas that is also supplied for you. Bring your own money, as [...]


Wise Woman: An Artful Journey Into the Feminine Soul

FREE Online Journey

How Will This 6 week e-course work? The course is curated into 6 luscious weeks of journaling lessons, inspiration, guided meditation, mixed media art instruction and guidance. Each week will be a lesson themed to the Soul Seasons of our life as a woman, an art project with HD video tutorial(s), guided meditation and journaling [...]

Wise Woman: An Artful Journey Into the Feminine Soul

FREE Online Journey

How Will This 6 week e-course work? The course is curated into 6 luscious weeks of journaling lessons, inspiration, guided meditation, mixed media art instruction and guidance. Each week will be a lesson themed to the Soul Seasons of our life as a woman, an art project with HD video tutorial(s), guided meditation and journaling [...]

Wise Woman: An Artful Journey Into the Feminine Soul

FREE Online Journey

How Will This 6 week e-course work? The course is curated into 6 luscious weeks of journaling lessons, inspiration, guided meditation, mixed media art instruction and guidance. Each week will be a lesson themed to the Soul Seasons of our life as a woman, an art project with HD video tutorial(s), guided meditation and journaling [...]

Wise Woman: An Artful Journey Into the Feminine Soul

FREE Online Journey

How Will This 6 week e-course work? The course is curated into 6 luscious weeks of journaling lessons, inspiration, guided meditation, mixed media art instruction and guidance. Each week will be a lesson themed to the Soul Seasons of our life as a woman, an art project with HD video tutorial(s), guided meditation and journaling [...]

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