Dr. Miller is offering Tele-Health counseling, coaching and spiritual direction sessions. You can contact her at 919-848-2100 or susanmillerlpc@gmail.com

Emotional Eating Recovery Group – Mind Body Spirit

Miller Counseling Services 156 Mine Lake Court Suite 200, Raleigh, NC, United States

Fall Program for Women Seeking Freedom from Emotional Eating, Weight & Body Image Concerns January 8 - March 26  2019| Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm Mind Body Life Spirit: Emotional Eating Recovery Group Winter 2019 Program for Women Seeking Freedom from Emotional Eating, Weight & Body Image Concerns January 8- March 26 2019 Tuesdays 7-8:30pm Facilitated by Susan Miller, PhD, [...]

Intuitive Painting and Collage: Whimsical Spring Faces

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Us @ Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh: Register through JerrysArtEvents.com You will need to bring your own supplies. Supply list here. I will also have a few extra supplies on hand to play with! Instructor: Susan Miller Class Code: SM190428 Workshop Fee: $120 Medium: Mixed Media Sunday, April 28, Noon – 6:00 pm Journey into the creative process [...]


Intuitive Painting & Collage: Botanical Whimsy with Winged, Feathered or Furry Friends

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Us @ Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh: Register through JerrysArtEvents.com You will need to bring your own supplies. Supply list here. I will also have a few extra supplies on hand to play with!     Intuitive Painting & Collage: Botanical Whimsy with Winged, Feathered or Furry Friends Instructor: Susan Miller Class Code: SM190525 Workshop Fee: $120 Medium: [...]


Intuitive Painting & Collage: Whimsical Faces with Botanical/Nature Imagery

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Us @ Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh: Register through JerrysArtEvents.com You will need to bring your own supplies. Supply list here. I will also have a few extra supplies on hand to play with! Intuitive Painting & Collage: Whimsical Faces with Botanical/Nature Imagery Instructor: Susan Miller Class Code: SM190622 Workshop Fee: $120 Medium: Mixed Media Saturday, June 22, [...]


Intuitive Painting & Collage: Botanical Whimsy with Winged, Feathered or Furry Friends

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Us @ Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh: Register through JerrysArtEvents.com You will need to bring your own supplies. Supply list here. I will also have a few extra supplies on hand to play with! Intuitive Painting & Collage: Botanical Whimsy with Winged, Feathered or Furry Friends Instructor: Susan Miller Class Code: SM190727 Workshop Fee: $120 Medium: Mixed Media [...]


Biz of Art: Your Why? Creating the Foundation for a Sustainable Art Business through Vision, Values & Mission

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Us @ Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh: Register through JerrysArtEvents.com Instructor: Susan Miller Class Code: SM190907 Workshop Fee: $120 Medium: Art Talk & Mixed Media Saturday, September 7th, 10:00am – 5:00pm Spend a day creatively focusing on setting up a firm foundation for your art business. Whether you are a seasoned artist or dreaming of getting [...]


Lost and Found in Nature: Letting Intuition Lead the Way in Abstract Mixed Media Painting/Collage

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join Us @ Jerry’s Artarama in Raleigh: Register through JerrysArtEvents.com Instructor: Susan Miller Class Code: SM190929 Workshop Fee: $120 Medium: Mixed Media Sunday, September 29th, 12pm – 5:30pm Take a nature inspired journey to the waterways, mountains, forests or desert with mixed media painting and collage. Your creative process that will deepen your understanding and connection [...]


Life Visioning Day Retreat:

Lighted Path™ Coaching & Art Studio 727 West Hargett Street Suite 111, Raleigh, NC, United States

Celebrating, Releasing, Settling & Embracing Life through Vision Boarding Do you want a clear vision for your life this year?  Do you want to find that balance you are looking for? You will find it within your heart. Join in a Life Visioning Day Retreat where you reflect on your past year with celebration and [...]


Biz of Art: Your Why? Creating a Foundation through Vision & Values

Jerry's Artarama 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Medium: Art Talk Date: Sunday, January 19th. 12 noon – 5:00pm Where: Jerry's Artarama (SIGN UP HERE) Code: SM200119 For: Artists of all types, wanting to grow their art business, start an art business or dream of an art business! Description: Give yourself the gift of a day retreat creatively focusing on setting up a [...]


Intuitive Soul Art & Yoga Retreat 2020

Sanctuary in the Pines 34 Lake Cove Rd, Flat Rock, NC

Yoga will open up your mind/body/spirit to the possibilities; The brush will take you the rest of the way. No experience in art or yoga necessary! Where: Sanctuary in the Pines, located 30 minutes outside of Asheville (Blue Ridge Mountains) When: June 25-28 2020 During our 3 days together you will connect with your intuition [...]

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